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Learn what CrowdFunding inefficiencies Desights Protocol solves

Issues with Current Crowdfunding in the AI Ecosystem

Centralization of Power and Resources
  • Dominance of Large Entities: Major corporations and well-funded entities dominate AI research and development, limiting opportunities for smaller developers and independent researchers.

  • Resource Inequality: Smaller teams often lack access to necessary resources, funding, and infrastructure, creating a significant barrier to entry.

Lack of Transparency and Trust
  • Opaque Funding Processes: Traditional crowdfunding platforms often lack transparency in how funds are allocated and managed, leading to mistrust among backers.

  • Risk of Fraud: The centralized nature of these platforms makes them susceptible to fraudulent activities, with limited mechanisms for accountability and verification.

Inequitable Distribution of Benefits
  • Limited Contributor Rewards: Backers and contributors often receive minimal rewards or recognition for their support, with most benefits accruing to project initiators.

  • Ownership Concentration: Centralized platforms typically concentrate ownership and control, marginalizing the contributions and interests of smaller stakeholders.

High Fees and Inefficiencies
  • Platform Fees: Traditional crowdfunding platforms charge significant fees for their services, reducing the overall funding available for projects.

  • Administrative Overheads: The centralized management of these platforms leads to administrative inefficiencies, delaying project timelines and increasing costs.

Inflexible Funding Models
  • All-or-Nothing Campaigns: Many platforms use rigid funding models where projects only receive funds if they meet their full funding goal, which can be challenging for innovative or niche AI projects.

  • Limited Funding Options: Traditional platforms often provide limited options for backers, such as one-time contributions without the possibility of ongoing support or equity stakes.

Barrier to Community Collaboration
  • Isolated Project Development: Current platforms lack mechanisms to facilitate ongoing collaboration and community involvement in project development.

  • Limited Feedback Mechanisms: There are few opportunities for backers to provide feedback or participate in project governance, leading to a disconnect between project teams and their communities.

Regulatory and Compliance Challenges
  • Legal and Regulatory Barriers: Traditional crowdfunding models must navigate complex legal and regulatory landscapes, which can limit their ability to operate globally and inclusively.

  • Lack of Standardization: The absence of standardized protocols and practices across platforms creates inconsistencies and complicates cross-platform collaboration and integration.

These issues highlight the need for a decentralized, transparent, and community-driven approach to crowdfunding in the AI ecosystem. Desights is developing a decentralised Crowdfunding toolkit to solve most of these problems. Below Desights Components that encompasses Crowdfunding -

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